rAmCharts (version 1.1.2)

initialize,TrendLine-method: Initialize a TrendLine


Initialize a TrendLine


"initialize"(.Object, initialValue, initialXValue, finalValue, finalXValue, valueAxis, valueAxisX, ...)
trendLine(.Object, initialValue, initialXValue, finalValue, finalXValue, valueAxis, valueAxisX, ...)
setInitialValue(.Object, initialValue)
"setInitialValue"(.Object, initialValue)
setInitialXValue(.Object, initialXValue)
"setInitialXValue"(.Object, initialXValue)
setFinalValue(.Object, finalValue)
"setFinalValue"(.Object, finalValue)
setFinalXValue(.Object, finalXValue)
"setFinalXValue"(.Object, finalXValue)
"setValueAxis"(.Object, valueAxis = NULL, ...)
setValueAxisX(.Object, valueAxisX = NULL, ...)
"setValueAxisX"(.Object, valueAxisX = NULL, ...)


numeric. Value from which trend line should start.
numeric. Used by XY chart only. X value from which trend line should start.
numeric. Value at which trend line should end.
numeric. Used by XY chart only. X value at which trend line should end.
ValueAxis. Value axis of the trend line. Will use first value axis of the chart if not set any. You can use a reference to the value axis object or id of value axis.
ValueAxis. Used by XY chart only. X axis of trend line. Will use first X axis of the chart if not set any. You can use a reference to the value axis object or id of value axis.
Other properties.


  • trendLine:


Run this code
new("TrendLine", initialValue = 1, finalValue = 11)

# Other example
valueAxis <- valueAxis(title = "Hello !", axisTitleOffset = 12)
new("TrendLine", valueAxis = valueAxis)
trendLine(initialValue = 1, finalValue = 11)
setInitialValue(.Object = trendLine(), initialValue = 16)
setInitialXValue(.Object = trendLine(), initialXValue = 16)
setFinalValue(.Object = trendLine(), finalValue = 16)
setFinalXValue(.Object = trendLine(), finalXValue = 16)
setValueAxis(.Object = trendLine(), id = "valueAxis-1",
             title = "Hello !", axisTitleOffset = 12)
# equival to:
valueAxis_obj <- valueAxis(id = "valueAxis-1", title = "Hello !", axisTitleOffset = 12)
trendLine(valueAxis = valueAxis_obj)
# or...
trendLine(valueAxis = "valueAxis-1")
# valid if and only if 'valueAxis_obj' has already been added to the chart
# ---
setValueAxisX(.Object = trendLine(), id = "valueAxisX-1",
              title = "Hello !", axisTitleOffset = 12)
# equival to:
valueAxisX_obj <- valueAxis(id = "valueAxisX-1", title = "Hello !", axisTitleOffset = 12)
trendLine(valueAxisX = valueAxisX_obj)
# or...
trendLine(valueAxisX = "valueAxisX-1")
# valid if and only if 'valueAxisX_obj' has already been added to the chart
# ---

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab