rgl (version 0.100.19)

shinyGetPar3d: Communicate rgl parameters between R and Javascript in Shiny.


These functions allow Shiny apps to read and write the par3d settings that may have been modified by user interaction in the browser.


shinyGetPar3d(parameters, session, subscene = currentSubscene3d(rgl.cur()), tag = "")
shinySetPar3d(..., session, subscene = currentSubscene3d(rgl.cur()))



A character vector naming the parameters to get.


The Shiny session object.


The subscene to which the parameters apply. Defaults to the currently active subscene in the R session.


An arbitrary string or value which will be sent as part of the response.


A number of name = value pairs to be modified.


These functions are called for their side effects, and don't return useful values.

The side effect of shinyGetPar3d is to cause input$par3d to be updated sometime later. Besides the requested parameter values, input$par3d will contain a copy of the subscene and tag arguments.

The side effect of shinySetPar3d is to send a message to the browser to update its copy of the par3d parameters immediately.


Requesting information from the browser is a complicated process. The shinyGetPar3d function doesn't return the requested value, it just submits a request for the value to be returned later in input$par3d, a reactive input. No action will result except when a reactive observer depends on input$par3d. See the example code below.

The shinySetPar3d function sends a message to the browser asking it to change a particular parameter. The change will be made immediately, without sending the full scene to the browser, so should be reasonably fast.


https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/communicating-with-js.html describes the underlying mechanisms used by these two functions.


Run this code
if (interactive()) {
  save <- options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)

  xyz <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)

  app = shiny::shinyApp(
    ui = shiny::bootstrapPage(
      shiny::actionButton("redraw", "Redraw"),
    server = function(input, output, session) {
      # This waits until the user to click on the "redraw" 
      # button, then sends a request for the current userMatrix
      shiny::observeEvent(input$redraw, {
        shinyGetPar3d("userMatrix", session)
      # This draws the plot whenever input$par3d changes,
      # i.e. whenever a response to the request above is
      # received.
      output$rglPlot <- renderRglwidget({
        if (length(rgl.dev.list())) rgl.close()
        col <- sample(colors(), 1)
        plot3d(xyz, col = col, type = "s", main = col)
        par3d(userMatrix = input$par3d$userMatrix)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace