roxygen3 (version 0.1)

ImportClassesFromTag-class: Namespace: tags for importing functions.


By and large, @autoImports should be the only imports tag that you need to use. It automatically generates the necessary importFrom statements to import all external functions used by this function. See auto_imports for more implementation details.


Tag Usage

#' @importClassesFrom package fun1 fun2
#' @importFrom package function1 function2
#' @importMethodsFrom package fun1 fun2
#' @import package1 package2 package3


If there is a conflict, use tag_importFrom to resolve it. You can do @importFrom base function - this is not normally allowed in the ‘NAMESPACE’, but roxygen3 will simply ignore it, but still use it when resolving conflicts.

You must have the packages declared in DESCRIPTION Imports.