rpanel (version 1.1-4)

rpanel-package: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package


rpanel provides a set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. Uses include changing a parameter on a graph (and animating it) with a slider, or a "doublebutton", up to more sophisticated mini-applications. In addition to functions which create controls, a number of `cartoon' functions built on these controls are also available.



Package: rpanel
Type: Package
Version: 1.1-4
Date: 2018-05-06
License: GNU

This package contains a number of functions (with help and examples) and several example scripts.

Cartoon functions

rp.gulls: An interactive problem-solving exercise on deciding the sex of a herring gull rp.ci: Confidence intervals rp.anova: Analysis of variance rp.ancova: Analysis of covariance rp.power: Power calculations for a two-sample t-test rp.normal: Fitting a normal distribution to a single sample rp.rmplot: Plotting of repeated measurement data rp.tables: Interactive statistical tables rp.regression: Regression with one or two covariates rp.plot3d: Interactive display of a plot of three variables rp.plot4d: Interactive display of a plot of four variables rp.spacetime: A version of rp.plot4d designed for space-time data rp.likelihood: Exploration of one and two parameter likelihood functions rp.logistic: Interactive display of logistic regression with a single covariate rp.cartoons: A menu-driven set of rpanel illustrations rp.geosim: Simulation of spatial processes rp.mururoa: Sampling in Mururoa Atoll rp.firth: Sampling in a firth rp.surface: Displaying the uncertainty in an estimate of a surface

Functions to create individual controls

rp.control: create an rpanel rp.slider: add a slider to a panel, to graphically control a numeric variable rp.textentry: adds a box allows text to be entered rp.button: adds a button to the panel with a nominated function called on pressing rp.checkbox: adds a checkbox to the panel, to control a logical variable rp.radiogroup: adds a set of radiobuttons to the panel rp.listbox: adds a listbox to the panel rp.combo: adds a combo box to the panel rp.doublebutton: adds a widget with '+' and '-' buttons, to increment and decrement a variable rp.menu: adds a menu to the panel rp.text: adds a text box to the panel rp.image: adds an image to the panel; the action function is called with coordinates on clicking rp.line: draws a line connecting the pixel locations x1, y1 to x2, y2 on the specified rp.image rp.deleteline: removes a line from an rp.image rp.clearlines: removes all lines from an rp.image rp.messagebox: displays a message in a pop-up window rp.tkrplot: calls Luke Tierney's tkrplot function to allow R graphics to be displayed in a panel rp.tkrreplot: calls Luke Tierney's tkrreplot functions to allow R graphics to be refreshed in a panel. rp.timer: executes an action function repeatedly until a condition is satisfied rp.block: blocks use of the R console until a panel is closed rp.panel: returns a named panel or the most recently created panel rp.var.put: place an object into the rpanel environment, usually within a panel rp.var.get: retrieve an object from the rpanel environment, usually from a panel rp.pos: a demonstration function for layout control rp.grid: a grid system for layout control rp.do: executes a nominated user defined callback function rp.colour.key: a colour key to associate with a plot

Generally speaking these functions have a parameter, name, which is used to later delete or modify a widget.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



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