seqinr (version 1.0-1)

AAstat: To Get Some Protein Statistics


cd It gives simple protein sequence information including the number of residues, the percentage of each physico-chemical class of amino acid and the theoretical isoelectric point.


AAstat(seq, plot = TRUE)


a protein sequence as a vector of chars
if TRUE, it plots a histogram of the presence of residues with the physico-chemical properties: Tiny, Small, Aliphatic, Aromatic, Non-polar, Polar, Charged, Positive, Negative


  • If plot is TRUE, it draws the histogram as described with the top. It returns a list with the following components:
  • CompoA factor giving the number of each residues.
  • PropA list giving the percentage of each physico-chemical class of amino acid.
  • PiThe theoretical isoelectric point


To have an overview of the seqinR's functionnality, please consult this vignette: Charif, D., Lobry, J.R. (2005) SeqinR: a contributed package to the R project for statistical computing devoted to biological sequences retrieval and analysis. Springer Verlag, Biological and Medical Physics/Biomedical Series, in preparation.

See Also

computePI, SEQINR.UTIL, SeqFastaAA


Run this code
ss = read.fasta(File=system.file("sequences/seqAA.fasta",package = "seqinr"),seqtype="AA")

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace