seqinr (version 1.0-1)

crelistfromclientdata: To create on server a bitlist from data lines sent by client


This function is usefull if you have a local file with sequence names (sequence ID), or sequence accession numbers, or species names, or keywords. This allows you to create on the server a list with the corresponding items.


crelistfromclientdata(listname, file, type, socket = "auto", invisible = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, 
virtual = FALSE)


The name of the list as a quoted string of chars
The local file name
Could be one of "SQ", "AC", "SP", "KW", see examples
a socket of class connection and sockconn returned by choosebank.Default value (auto) means that the socket will be set to to the socket component of the banknameSocket variable.
if FALSE, the result is returned visibly.
if TRUE, verbose mode is on
if TRUE, no attempt is made to retrieve the information about all the elements of the list. In this case, the req component of the list is set to NA.


  • A list with the following components:
  • bankthe name of the bank that has been choosen by choosebank.socket
  • calloriginal call
  • namelist name
  • nelemnumber of elements in the list on the server
  • typelistthe type of the elemnts of the list. Could be SQ for a list of sequence names, KW for a list of keywords, SP for a list of species names.
  • reqa list of sequence names that fit the required criteria or NA when called with parameter virtual is TRUE



See Also

choosebank, query


Run this code
# Need internet connection
 # Need internet connection
 # Example with a file that contains sequence names:
 fileSQ <- system.file("sequences/bb.mne", package = "seqinr")
 crelistfromclientdata("listSQ", file = fileSQ, type = "SQ")
 sapply(listSQ$req, getName)
 # Example with a file that contains sequence accession numbers:
 fileAC <- system.file("sequences/bb.acc", package = "seqinr")
 crelistfromclientdata("listAC", file = fileAC, type = "AC")
 sapply(listAC$req, getName) 
 # Example with a file that contains species names:
 fileSP <- system.file("sequences/bb.sp", package = "seqinr")
 crelistfromclientdata("listSP", file = fileSP, type = "SP")
 sapply(listSP$req, getName) 
 # Example with a file that contains keywords:
 fileKW <- system.file("sequences/bb.kwd", package = "seqinr")
 crelistfromclientdata("listKW", file = fileKW, type = "KW")
 sapply(listKW$req, getName)

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace