spdep (version 0.6-9)

lextrB: Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights


The functions find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights, when these form planar graphs; general weights are not permiited. l_max finds the largest eigenvalue using Rayleigh quotient methods of any “listw” object. lextrB first calls l_max, and uses its output to find the smallest eigenvalue in addition for binary symmetric spatial weights. lextrW extends these to find the smallest eigenvalue for intrinsically symmetric row-standardized binary weights matrices (transformed to symmetric through similarity internally). lextrS does the same for variance-stabilized (“S” style) intrinsically symmetric binary weights matrices (transformed to symmetric through similarity internally).


lextrB(lw, zero.policy = TRUE, control = list()) lextrW(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list()) lextrS(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list()) l_max(lw, zero.policy=TRUE, control=list())


The functions return approximations to the extreme eigenvalues with the eigenvectors returned as attributes of this object.

Control arguments


Griffith, D. A. (2004). Extreme eigenfunctions of adjacency matrices for planar graphs employed in spatial analyses. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 388:201–219.


Run this code
ab.listb <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="B")
er <- range(eigenw(ab.listb))
res_1 <- lextrB(ab.listb)
if (require(igraph)) {
  B <- as(ab.listb, "symmetricMatrix")
  n <- length(boston.soi)
  f2 <- function(x, extra=NULL) {as.vector(B %*% x)}
  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="LA", maxiter=200))
  arn <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="SA", maxiter=200))
#  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=2, ncv=8,
#    which="BE", maxiter=300))
# "BE" gives: At line 558 of file dsaup2.f: Fortran runtime error: 
# Index '9' of dimension 1 of array 'bounds' above upper bound of 8
# "BE" 
#  print(ar1$values)
k5 <- knn2nb(knearneigh(boston.utm, k=5))
c(l_max(nb2listw(k5, style="B")))
max(Re(eigenw(nb2listw(k5, style="B"))))
c(l_max(nb2listw(k5, style="C")))
max(Re(eigenw(nb2listw(k5, style="C"))))
ab.listw <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="W")
er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw)))
res_1 <- lextrW(ab.listw)
if (require(igraph)) {
  B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "symmetricMatrix")
  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="LA", maxiter=400))
  arn <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="SA", maxiter=400))
#  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=2, ncv=8,
#    which="BE", maxiter=300))
# "BE" gives: At line 558 of file dsaup2.f: Fortran runtime error: 
# Index '9' of dimension 1 of array 'bounds' above upper bound of 8
#  print(ar1$values)
ab.listw <- nb2listw(boston.soi, style="S")
er <- range(eigenw(similar.listw(ab.listw)))
res_1 <- lextrS(ab.listw)
if (require(igraph)) {
  B <- as(similar.listw(ab.listw), "symmetricMatrix")
  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="LA", maxiter=300))
  arn <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=1, ncv=8,
    which="SA", maxiter=300))
#  ar1 <- arpack(f2, sym=TRUE, options=list(n=n, nev=2, ncv=8,
#    which="BE", maxiter=300))
# "BE" gives: At line 558 of file dsaup2.f: Fortran runtime error: 
# Index '9' of dimension 1 of array 'bounds' above upper bound of 8
#  print(ar1$values)

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