stargazer (version 5.2.3)

stargazer_models: stargazer: list of supported objects


This page summarizes the models that stargazer supports. Please note that I am always looking for comments and suggestions. Do not hesitate to contact me at mhlavac [at]


Supported objects

The package name is indicated in bold and is followed by a list of functions/object types.

AER: - ivreg - tobit

betareg: - betareg

brglm: - brglm

censReg: - censReg

dynlm: - dynlm

eha: - aftreg - coxreg - mlreg - phreg - weibreg

erer: - maBina

ergm: - ergm

fGarch: - garchFit

gee: - gee

glmx: - hetglm

gmm: - gmm

lfe: - felm

lme4: - glmer - lmer - nlmer

lmtest: - coeftest

MASS: - polr - rlm - survreg

mclogit: - mclogit

mgcv: - gam

mlogit: - mlogit

mnlogit: - mnlogit

nlme: - gls - lme - nlme

nnet: - multinom

ordinal: - clm

plm: - pgmm - plm - pmg

pscl: - hurdle - zeroinfl

rms: - bj - cph - Glm - Gls - lrm - ols - psm - Rq

relevent: - rem.dyad

rq: - quantreg

robustbase: - glmrob - lmrob

sampleSelection: - binaryChoice - heckit - probit - selection

spdep: - errorsarlm - largarlm

stats: - arima - glm - lm

survey: - svyglm

survival: - coxph - clogit - survreg

Zelig: - the implementation of the above models - relogit - - - -