stars (version 0.4-3)

st_as_stars: convert objects into a stars object


convert objects into a stars object


st_as_stars(.x, ...)

# S3 method for list st_as_stars(.x, ..., dimensions = NULL)

# S3 method for default st_as_stars(.x = NULL, ..., raster = NULL)

# S3 method for stars st_as_stars(.x, ..., curvilinear = NULL, crs = st_crs(4326))

# S3 method for bbox st_as_stars( .x, ..., nx, ny, dx = dy, dy = dx, xlim = .x[c("xmin", "xmax")], ylim = .x[c("ymin", "ymax")], values = 0, n = 64800, pretty = FALSE, inside = FALSE, nz )

# S3 method for sf st_as_stars(.x, ..., name = attr(.x, "sf_column"))

# S3 method for Raster st_as_stars(.x, ..., att = 1, ignore_file = FALSE)

# S3 method for ncdfgeom st_as_stars(.x, ..., sf_geometry = NA)

# S3 method for stars_proxy st_as_stars( .x, ..., downsample = 0, url = attr(.x, "url"), envir = parent.frame() )

# S3 method for xts st_as_stars(.x, ..., dimensions)

# S3 method for OpenStreetMap st_as_stars(.x, ..., as_col = FALSE)



object to convert


in case .x is of class bbox, arguments passed on to pretty


object of class dimensions


character; the names of the dimensions that denote raster dimensions


only for creating curvilinear grids: named length 2 list holding longitude and latitude matrices; the names of this list should correspond to raster dimensions to be replaced


object of class crs with the coordinate reference system of the values in curvilinear; see details


integer; number of cells in x direction; see details


integer; number of cells in y direction; see details


numeric; cell size in x direction; see details


numeric; cell size in y direction; see details


length 2 numeric vector with extent (min, max) in x direction


length 2 numeric vector with extent (min, max) in y direction


value(s) to populate the raster values with


the (approximate) target number of grid cells


logical; should cell coordinates have pretty values?


logical; should all cells entirely fall inside the bbox, potentially not covering it completely?


integer; number of cells in z direction; if missing no z-dimension is created.


character; name for the geometry dimensions


see factorValues; column in the RasterLayer's attribute table


logical; if TRUE, ignore the Raster object file name


sf data.frame with geometry and attributes to be added to stars object. Must have same number of rows as timeseries instances.


integer: if larger than 0, downsample with this rate (number of pixels to skip in every row/column); if length 2, specifies downsampling rate in x and y.


character; URL of the stars endpoint where the data reside


environment to resolve objects in


logical; return rgb numbers (FALSE) or (character) color values (TRUE)?


if curvilinear is a stars object with longitude and latitude values, its coordinate reference system is typically not that of the latitude and longitude values.

For the bbox method: if pretty is TRUE, raster cells may extend the coordinate range of .x on all sides. If in addition to nx and ny, dx and dy are also missing, these are set to a single value computed as sqrt(diff(xlim)*diff(ylim)/n). If nx and ny are missing, they are computed as the ceiling of the ratio of the (x or y) range divided by (dx or dy), unless inside is TRUE, in which case ceiling is replaced by floor. Postive dy will be made negative. Further named arguments (...) are passed on to pretty.

For the ncdfgeom method: objects are point-timeseries with optional line or polygon geometry for each timeseries specified with the sf_geometry parameter. See ncdfgeom for more about this NetCDF-based format for geometry and timeseries.

for the xts methods, if dimensions are provided, time has to be the first dimension.