tcltk2 (version 1.2-11)

tk2widgets: A series of versatile using either themable ttk widgets


A series of widgets you can use in your Tk windows/dialog boxes.


tk2button(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2canvas(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2checkbutton(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2combobox(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2entry(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2frame(parent, ...) tk2label(parent, tip, label, tag, cfglist, wrap = FALSE, ...) tk2labelframe(parent, ...) tk2listbox(parent, values, value, selection, selectmode = c("extended", "single", "browse", "multiple"), height = 5, tip = "", scroll = "both", autoscroll = "x", enabled = TRUE, ...) tk2mclistbox(parent, tip ="", ...) tk2menu(parent, activebackground, activeforeground, ...) tk2menubutton(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2message(parent, text = "", justify = c("left", "center", "right"), width = -1, aspect = 150, tip = "", ...) tk2notebook(parent, tabs, ...) tk2panedwindow(parent, orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), ...) tk2progress(parent, orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), tip = "", ...) tk2radiobutton(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2scale(parent, orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), tip = "", ...) tk2scrollbar(parent, orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), ...) tk2separator(parent, orientation = c("horizontal", "vertical"), ...) tk2spinbox(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2table(parent, ...) tk2tablelist(parent, ...) tk2text(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2ctext(parent, tip = "", ...) tk2tree(parent, tip = "", ...)


the parent window.
a tooltip to display for this widget (optional).
a single character string used to label that widget (optional).
any object that you would like to associate with this widget (optional).
a named list with configuration parameters and values to apply.
do we wrap long lines in the widget?
a character vector with values to use to populate the widget.
a character vector with current value for the widget, or currently selected values, if multiple selection is allowed. Takes precedence on selection.
a numeric (indices) vector with current selection.
the selection mode for this widget. extended is the usual choice for multiselction tk2listbox().
the height of the widget.
do we add scrollbars? Possible values are "x", "y", "both" or "none"; can be abridged.
do we automatically hide scrollbars if not needed? Possible values are the same as for the scroll argument.
is the widget enabled or disabled?
the text to display in the widget.
how text is justified?
the tabs to create in the notebook widget.
the desired width. Use a negative value to use aspect instead.
sets the aspect ratio of the widget (100 = square, 200 = twice as large, 50 = twice as tall). Only used if width is negative.
either "horizontal" or "vertical".
color to use for active background of menu items (if not provided, a reasonable default value is used).
color to use for active foreground of menu items (if not provided, a reasonable default value is used).
further arguments passed to the widget.


The reference to the created widget.

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
# ## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded
# ### A tk2notebook example
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# nb <- tk2notebook(tt2, tabs = c("Test", "Button"))
# tkpack(nb, fill = "both", expand = 1)
# tb1 <- tk2notetab(nb, "Test")
# lab <- tk2label(tb1, text = "Nothing here.")
# tkpack(lab)
# tb2 <- tk2notetab(nb, "Button")
# but <- tk2button(tb2, text = "Click me", command = function() tkdestroy(tt2))
# tkgrid(but)
#, "Button")
# tk2notetab.text(nb) # Text of the currently selected tab
# ### A simple tk2panedwindow example
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# pw <- tk2panedwindow(tt2, orient = "vertical")
# lpw.1 <- tk2text(pw)
# lpw.2 <- tk2text(pw)
# tkadd(pw, lpw.1)#, minsize = 100)
# tkadd(pw, lpw.2)#, minsize = 70)
# but <- tk2button(tt2, text = "OK", width = 10,
#     command = function() tkdestroy(tt2))
# tkpack(pw, fill = "both", expand = "yes")
# tkpack(but)
# ## Resize the window and move the panel separator with the mouse
# ### A tk2combobox example
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# cb <- tk2combobox(tt2)
# tkgrid(cb)
# ## Fill the combobox list
# fruits <- c("Apple", "Orange", "Banana")
# tk2list.set(cb, fruits)
# tk2list.insert(cb, "end", "Scoubidou", "Pear")
# tk2list.delete(cb, 3)   # 0-based index!
# tk2list.size(cb)
# tk2list.get(cb)   # All items
# ## Link current selection to a variable
# Fruit <- tclVar("Pear")
# tkconfigure(cb, textvariable = Fruit)
# ## Create a button to get the content of the combobox
# but <- tk2button(tt2, text = "OK", width = 10,
#     command = function() {tkdestroy(tt2); cat(tclvalue(Fruit), "\n")})
# tkgrid(but)
# ### An example of a tk2spinbox widget
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# tspin <- tk2spinbox(tt2, from = 2, to = 20, increment = 2)
# tkgrid(tspin)
# ## This widget is not added yet into tcltk2!
# #tdial <- tk2dial(tt2, from = 0, to = 20, resolution = 0.5, width = 70,
# #	tickinterval = 2)
# #tkgrid(tdial)
# tbut <- tk2button(tt2, text = "OK", width = 10,
#     command = function() tkdestroy(tt2))
# tkgrid(tbut)
# ### A tk2mclistbox example
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# mlb <- tk2mclistbox(tt2, width = 55, resizablecolumns = TRUE)
# ## Define the columns
# tk2column(mlb, "add", "name", label = "First name", width = 20)
# tk2column(mlb, "add", "lastname", label = "Last name", width = 20)
# tk2column(mlb, "add", "org", label = "Organisation", width = 15)
# tkgrid(mlb)
# ## Fill the multicolumn list (we can use a vector, or a matrix of character strings)
# item1 <- c("Bryan", "Oackley", "ChannelPoint")
# items <- matrix(c("John", "Ousterhout", "Scriptics", "Steve", "Miller", "TclTk inc."),
#     ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
# tk2insert.multi(mlb, "end", item1)
# tk2insert.multi(mlb, "end", items)
# #### TODO: bind events
# ### Ex: .listbox label bind date <ButtonPress-1> "sortByDate 
# ### See the example.tcl in .\libs\mclistbox1.02 for a more complex example
# ### Create a button to close the dialog box
# but <- tk2button(tt2, text = "OK", width = 10,
#     command = function() tkdestroy(tt2))
# tkgrid(but)
# ### A simple tk2table example (Tktable is required here!)
# myRarray <- c("Animal", "\"sphinx moth\"", "oyster", "Type", "insect", "mollusk")
# dim(myRarray) <- c(3, 2)
# for (i in (0:2))
#     for (j in (0:1))
#         .Tcl(paste("set tclarray(", i, ",", j, ") ", myRarray[i+1, j+1], sep = ""))
# tt2 <- tktoplevel()
# table1 <- tk2table(tt2, variable = "tclarray", rows = "3", cols = "2",
#     titlerows = "1", selectmode = "extended", colwidth = "25", background = "white")
# tkpack(table1)
# ## A tablelist example
# tt <- tktoplevel()
# tlist <- tk2tablelist(tt, columntitles = c("First column", "Second column"),
#     stretch = "all", expand = 1)
# tkpack(tlist, fill = "both")
# tkinsert(tlist, "end", c("first row", "another value"))
# tkinsert(tlist, "end", c("another row", "bla bla"))
# tbut <- tk2button(tt, text = "Done", command = function () tkdestroy(tt))
# tkpack(tbut)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab