water (version 0.5)

surfaceTemperature: Estimates Land Surface Temperature from Landsat Data


Surface temperature is estimated using a modified Plank equation considering empirical constants for Landsat images. In addition, this model implements a correction of thermal radiance following to Wukelic et al. (1989).


surfaceTemperature(thermalband, thermalband2, sat = "auto", LAI, aoi, method = "SC", WeatherStation)


Satellite thermal band. For L8 this should be band 10.
Second thermal band. Only needed for split window method. For L8 this should be band 11.
"L7" for Landsat 7, "L8" for Landsat 8 or "auto" to guess from filenames
raster layer with leaf area index. See LAI()
area of interest to crop images, if waterOptions("autoAoi") == TRUE will look for any object called aoi on .GlobalEnv
"SC" for single channel or "SW" for split window algorithm. "SW" is only available for L8
Weather Station data


R. G. Allen, M. Tasumi, and R. Trezza, "Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model" Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, vol. 133, p. 380, 2007

Wukelic G. E.; Gibbons D. E.; Martucci L. M. & Foote, H. P. Radiometric calibration of Landsat thematic mapper thermal band Remote Sensing of Environment, 1989, 28, (339-347)

Jimenez-Munoz, J. C., Sobrino, J. A., Skokovic, D., Mattar, C., & Cristobal, J. (2014). Land surface temperature retrieval methods from landsat-8 thermal infrared sensor data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(10), 1840–1843. http://doi.org/10.1109/LGRS.2014.2312032