oce (version 0.9-23)

met-class: Class to Store Meteorological Data


Class to store meteorological data, with standard slots metadata, data and processingLog. For objects created with read.met, the data slot will contain all the columns within the original file (with some guesses as to units) in addition to several calculated quantities such as u and v, which are velocities in m/s (not the km/h stored in typical data files), and which obey the oceanographic convention that u>0 is a wind towards the east.



Accessing values. For an object named m, temperature (in degC) may be accessed as m[["temperature"]], dew point (in degC) as m[["dewPoint"]], pressure (in kPa) as m[["pressure"]], eastward wind component (in m/s) as m[["u"]], northward wind component (in m/s) as m[["v"]], and wind direction (in degrees clockwise of North) as "direction". The filename from which the data came (if any) may be found with m[["filename"]]. Items in metadata must be specifield by full name, but those in data may be abbreviated, so long as the abbreviation is unique.

Assigning values. Everything that may be accessed may also be assigned, e.g.

m[["temperature"]] <- 1 + m[["temperature"]]

increases temperature by 1C.

See Also

Other classes provided by oce: adp-class, adv-class, argo-class, bremen-class, cm-class, coastline-class, ctd-class, echosounder-class, lisst-class, lobo-class, oce-class, odf-class, rsk-class, sealevel-class, section-class, topo-class, windrose-class

Other things related to met data: [[,met-method, [[<-,met-method, as.met, download.met, met, plot,met-method, read.met, subset,met-method, summary,met-method