cranvas (version 0.8.5)

qparallel: Draw a parallel coordinates plot


This function creates a parallel coordinates plot (par-coords) for variables in a data, with each line representing a row.


qparallel(vars = ~., data, scale = "range", names = break_str(vars), na.action = na_impute, center = NULL, order = c("none", "MDS", "ANOVA", "randomForest"), horizontal = FALSE, glyph = c("auto", "line", "tick", "circle", "square", "triangle"), boxplot = FALSE, width = NULL, jitter = NULL, amount = NULL, main = "", alpha = 1)


data standardizing method; possible values are 'range' (scale columns individually to [0, 1]), 'I' (do not transform; use original values), 'sd' (make each column of mean 0 sd 1), and 'global' (scale all the columns to [0, 1] using global minimum and maximum); other character strings here means to use custom functions (see examples below)
the variable labels to use in the plot (by default, they are the variable names with non-alphanumeric characters replaced by line breaks '\n')
the function to deal with missing values
the function to calculate where to center all the variables (e.g. center at the medians), or a numeric value, or NULL (do not center)
methods to reorder the variables; see reorder_var
logical: direction of axes (horizontal or vertical)
draw complete segments for all observations or other types of glyphs to represent observations (the latter has speed gain in case of large data)
logical: overlay boxplots on top of the par-coords plot or not
width of boxplots
NULL (no jittering) or a character vector to jitter variables (usually those categorical variables)
jitter amount
title of plot
value for alpha-blending
variables to show in the plot: a character vector of variable names, or a numeric vector of column indices, or a two-sided formula like ~ x1 + x2 + x3 (without the left-hand side); see var_names
a mutaframe created by qdata


A par-coords plot


See common_key_press for a series of common interactions. Interactions specific to par-coords include: press R to toggle the min/max labels; the arrow keys are used to adjust the order of the variables and flip the values of variables (like a mirror reflection) when the axes are selected by the brush.

See Also

Other plots: qbar; qboxplot; qdensity; qhist, qspine; qmval; qtime


Run this code

### (1) flea data
data(flea, package = "tourr")
qflea <- qdata(flea, color = species)

## input variables
qparallel(~., data = qflea)  # all variables
qparallel(~aede1 + aede2 + aede3, data = qflea)  # 3 variables
qparallel(1:4, data = qflea)  # first 4 variables
# input variables by names
qparallel(c("head", "aede1", "tars2", "aede3"), data = qflea)

## scaling
qparallel(~., data = qflea, main = "scale columns individually to [0, 1]")
qparallel(~., data = qflea, scale = "I", main = "unscaled data")
qparallel(~., data = qflea, scale = "sd", main = "mean 0 sd 1")
qparallel(~., data = qflea, scale = "global", main = "scale globally to [0, 1]")

## centering by median; add boxplots to assist understanding
qparallel(~., data = qflea, center = median, boxplot = TRUE)

## ordering
qparallel(~., data = qflea, order = "MDS")  # similar variables together
# color is covariate, order by ANOVA p-value
qparallel(~., data = qflea, order = "ANOVA")
## we can use arrow keys to manually order the variables

## horizontal direction
qparallel(~., data = qflea, horizontal = TRUE)

## use glyphs instead of segments
qparallel(~., data = qflea, glyph = "tick")
qparallel(~., data = qflea, glyph = "circle")

## jittering
qparallel(~., data = qflea, jitter = "species")

## categorical linking
id <- link_cat(qflea, "species")
## now brush on plots; will see all rows in the same category brushed

## stop categorical linking
remove_link(qflea, id)

### (2) NRC rankings
qnrc <- qdata(nrcstat, color = RegCode)

## Overview: type, rankings
qparallel(13:10, data = qnrc, main = "Overview of Rankings", glyph = "tick", 
    horizontal = TRUE, boxplot = TRUE)

## link to a droplist (institution names)
record_selector(Institution, qnrc)

## TODO: we need keyboard interactions here instead of command line
brush(qnrc, "persistent") <- TRUE  # begin persistent brushing
brush(qnrc, "color") <- "brown"
## select other objects now
brush(qnrc, "color") <- "green"
## again, select other objects
brush(qnrc, "color") <- "yellow"
brush(qnrc, "persistent") <- FALSE  # transient brushing

qparallel(vars = 14:19, data = qnrc, main = "Research, Student Support, Diversity", 
    center = median, horizontal = TRUE, glyph = "tick")

### (3) Missing values are imputed by 20% below the mean
df <-, sample(c(rep(NA, 10), rnorm(100)))))
mf <- qdata(df)
qparallel(~., data = mf)

## see this by missing value plot
qmval(~., data = mf)

### (4) alpha transparency
if (require("animation")) {
    data(pollen, package = "animation")
    qpollen <- qdata(pollen)
    qparallel(~., data = qpollen)
    # hold the minus key (-) till the plot is semi-transparent

### (5) pressure test
test.mat <- qdata(matrix(rnorm(3e+05 * 10), ncol = 10))
qparallel(~., data = test.mat)
## for large data, short ticks are automatically used instead of segments


Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace