⚠️There's a newer version (2.9.0) of this package. Take me there.



To make it easy to visualize, wrangle, and feature engineer time series data for forecasting and machine learning prediction.


Package Functionality

There are many R packages for working with Time Series data. Here’s how timetk compares to the “tidy” time series R packages for data visualization, wrangling, and feature engineeering (those that leverage data frames or tibbles).

Data Structuretibble (tbl)tsibble (tbl_ts)tsibble (tbl_ts)tibbletime (tbl_time)
Interactive Plots (plotly):x::x::x:
Static Plots (ggplot):x::x:
Time Series:x::x:
Correlation, Seasonality:x::x:
Anomaly Detection:x::x::x:
Data Wrangling
Time-Based Summarization:x::x:
Time-Based Filtering:x::x:
Padding Gaps:x::x:
Low to High Frequency:x::x::x:
Sliding / Rolling:x:
Feature Engineering (recipes)
Date Feature Engineering:x::x::x:
Holiday Feature Engineering:x::x::x:
Fourier Series:x::x::x:
Smoothing & Rolling:x::x::x:
Cross Validation (rsample)
Time Series Cross Validation:x::x::x:
Time Series CV Plan Visualization:x::x::x:
More Awesomeness
Making Time Series (Intelligently):x:
Handling Holidays & Weekends:x::x::x:
Class Conversion:x::x:
Automatic Frequency & Trend:x::x::x:

What can you do in 1 line of code?

Investigate a time series…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_time_series(date, value, .color_var = week(date), 
                     .interactive = FALSE, .color_lab = "Week")

Visualize anomalies…

walmart_sales_weekly %>%
    group_by(Store, Dept) %>%
    plot_anomaly_diagnostics(Date, Weekly_Sales, 
                             .facet_ncol = 3, .interactive = FALSE)

Make a seasonality plot…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)

Inspect autocorrelation, partial autocorrelation (and cross correlations too)…

taylor_30_min %>%
    plot_acf_diagnostics(date, value, .lags = "1 week", .interactive = FALSE)


What are you waiting for? Download the development version with latest features:

# install.packages("devtools")

Or, download CRAN approved version:



The timetk package wouldn’t be possible without other amazing time series packages.

  • stats - Basically every timetk function that uses a period (frequency) argument owes it to ts().
    • plot_acf_diagnostics(): Leverages stats::acf(), stats::pacf() & stats::ccf()
    • plot_stl_diagnostics(): Leverages stats::stl()
  • lubridate: timetk makes heavy use of floor_date(), ceiling_date(), and duration() for “time-based phrases”.
    • Add and Subtract Time (%+time% & %-time%): "2012-01-01" %+time% "1 month 4 days" uses lubridate to intelligently offset the day
  • xts: Used to calculate periodicity and fast lag automation.
  • forecast (retired): Possibly my favorite R package of all time. It’s based on ts, and it’s predecessor is the tidyverts (fable, tsibble, feasts, and fabletools).
    • The ts_impute_vec() function for low-level vectorized imputation using STL + Linear Interpolation uses na.interp() under the hood.
    • The ts_clean_vec() function for low-level vectorized imputation using STL + Linear Interpolation uses tsclean() under the hood.
    • Box Cox transformation auto_lambda() uses BoxCox.Lambda().
  • tibbletime (retired): While timetk does not import tibbletime, it uses much of the innovative functionality to interpret time-based phrases:
    • tk_make_timeseries() - Extends seq.Date() and seq.POSIXt() using a simple phase like “2012-02” to populate the entire time series from start to finish in February 2012.
    • filter_by_time(), between_time() - Uses innovative endpoint detection from phrases like “2012”
    • slidify() is basically rollify() using slider (see below).
  • slider: A powerful R package that provides a purrr-syntax for complex rolling (sliding) calculations.
    • slidify() uses slider::pslide under the hood.
    • slidify_vec() uses slider::slide_vec() for simple vectorized rolls (slides).
  • padr: Used for padding time series from low frequency to high frequency and filling in gaps.
    • The pad_by_time() function is a wrapper for padr::pad().
    • See the step_ts_pad() to apply padding as a preprocessing recipe!
  • TSstudio: This is the best interactive time series visualization tool out there. It leverages the ts system, which is the same system the forecast R package uses. A ton of inspiration for visuals came from using TSstudio.

Learning More

If you are interested in learning from my advanced Time Series Analysis & Forecasting Course, then join my waitlist. The course is coming soon.

You will learn:

  • Time Series Preprocessing, Noise Reduction, & Anomaly Detection
  • Feature engineering using lagged variables & external regressors
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Time series cross-validation
  • Ensembling Multiple Machine Learning & Univariate Modeling Techniques (Competition Winner)
  • NEW - Deep Learning with RNNs (Competition Winner)
  • and more!

Signup for the Time Series Course waitlist

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Last Published

September 1st, 2020

Functions in timetk (2.2.1)